Was Her is a Street Fighter fanfiction written by Skull (Skullsploot) and available on AO3/Archive Of Our Own and is also archived in LYNXDB, which is private. The fanfic has been up on the site since January 2024 and currently sits past the 40k+ words mark.


Active?: YES

Mature/Explicit?: YES

Type: Yuri/Femslash

Primary Relationship: Anne/Cammy

Assisting Writers: Pauline (C6 Onwards)

Languages: English (Italian Pending/Unlikely Release)


The fanfic itself revolves around the struggles and difficulties of Cammy attempting to balance solving a huge murder mystery case and her complicated relationship with the people she loves, especially Anne, despite her suspicions, confusion and disbelief. Cammy does not remember her life before joining Delta Red, an issue that must be rectified, for the sake of everyone around her.